
Ozarks Electric Net Metering Procedures

Follow these steps to begin net metering or if you are adding to your existing solar system.

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Step 1

Please review and familiarize yourself with the Arkansas Public Service Commission’s Net Metering Rules. (PDF)

Step 2

Prior to installation, please fill out and submit the following information below.

All net metering documentation must be under and signed by the primary account holder.

Email to netmetering@ozarksecc.com or mail to Ozarks Electric Cooperative, Attn: Manager of Energy Services, P.O. Box 848, Fayetteville, AR 72702.

If needed, Ozarks Electric will schedule your preliminary site visit.

For installation requirements, see FAQ’s below.

Step 3

At least 30 days prior to connecting, submit the Standard Interconnection Agreement for Net Metering Facilities. (PDF)

Please note that the Agreement must be received by Ozarks Electric at least 30 days prior to connecting. Please email the completed application to netmetering@ozarksecc.com or mail to Ozarks Electric Cooperative, Attn: Manager of Energy Services, P.O. Box 848, Fayetteville, AR 72702.

Step 4

Once installation is completed, contact Ozarks Electric at netmetering@ozarksecc.com or 800-521-6144. We will schedule the site inspection appointment. The net metering equipment can be turned on by the installer for testing and commissioning, but must be turned back off and left out-of-service until the system is approved by Ozarks Electric during the site inspection.

Note: There is a $40.00 trip fee (per inspection trip) that will be assessed to the account upon approval of inspection.

Step 5

Upon approval, the Standard Interconnection Agreement will be signed by Ozarks Electric, and your account will be set up for net metering.

Please review the FAQ below.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is net metering?

Net metering is the process of measuring the difference between electricity supplied by Ozarks Electric and the electricity generated by a grid-tie facility and fed back to the cooperative over the applicable billing period.

Where do I purchase the equipment?

You can find your own vendor or work with one of our trusted local solar vendors to be sure you are getting the best service available, Learn more at nwasolar.com. Ozarks Electric does recommend that you contact the Manager of Energy Services at 800-521-6144, prior to purchasing any grid-tie equipment to ensure the system is compatible with net metering.

What must I do to get a net-metering facility approved by Ozarks Electric?

Before Ozarks Electric approves a net-metering facility, the following conditions must be met:

  • The net-metering facility must use solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, or biomass resources to generate electricity.
  • The net-metering facility must have a generating capacity of no more than 25-kW or 100% of the highest monthly usage in the previous 12 months for residential use or 1000-kW for any other use.
  • The net-metering facility must be interconnected to a metered service billed under any of Ozarks Electric’s metered rates. The Ozarks Electric account must be in the name of the owner of the net-metering facility.
  • The net-metering facility must be intended primarily to offset some or all of the net metering customer’s requirements for electricity.
  • Additional services on the same premises are eligible for net metering provided the combined size of all net metering facilities for residential use does not exceed 25-kW or 100% of the highest monthly usage in the previous 12 months and the combined size of all net metering facilities for non-residential use does not exceed 1000-kW.
  • The net-metering facility installation must meet the installation requirements seen below.

What do I do if the property I purchase has an existing net-metering facility?

In addition to applying for service through Ozarks Electric Cooperative, members who purchase a net-metering facility must also complete the net-metering facility Transfer of Agreement (PDF)

How is billing handled with a net-metering facility?

Any excess kWh generated by the net-metering facility will reverse the kWh on the electric meter. All Ozarks Electric meters are capable of running backward, but upon cooperative inspection passing, the meter will be changed out for billing purposes. If the electricity generated by the net metering facility is fed back to the cooperative and exceeds the electricity supplied by the cooperative during the billing period, then the member will receive a kWh credit for the accumulated net excess kWh to apply to next month’s bill. Credits may accrue from month-to-month and do not expire. The member will not receive a special bill. The kWh credit will be maintained in Ozarks Electric’s billing system. The monthly availability charge and minimum bill still applies even if no electricity is purchased from Ozarks Electric.

At the request of the member, monthly excess kWh credits may be aggregated to additional accounts in a rank order provided by the member. The additional accounts must be in the name and same customer number of the member who owns the net-metering facility. The member must provide the rank order of additional accounts at least 30 days prior to the first requested transfer. If the additional accounts are not in the same billing cycle as the net-metered account, those accounts will be moved to a common billing cycle. Excess kWh credits will be applied to the additional accounts up to the amount needed to net zero the kWh usage on each account in the rank order provided. Credit kWh will not be divided proportionately across the additional accounts, and the additional accounts cannot carry forward credit kWh from month to month. If the member has multiple net metering facilities, each net meter facility must have its own rank order list of additional accounts. An account only can be assigned to one rank order list. Excess kWh credits do not expire. Credits older than 24 months may be cashed out at the estimated average avoided cost of electricity if the sum to be paid is at least $100.

What are the net metering requirements?

The net metering system is required to meet all local and national electrical codes, including National Electrical Code, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the National Electrical Safety Code and Underwriters Laboratory. Ozarks Electric assumes no liability or responsibility for the installation or operation of the net metering system. Ozarks Electric installation requirements are as follows:

  • All interconnection equipment is UL listed (UL1741) or rapid shut down approved.
  • Interconnection sticker must be applied to electric service meter base.
  • Labeling must meet NEC requirements.
  • A net-metering facility shall be capable of operating in parallel and safely commencing the delivery of power into the utility system at a single point of interconnection. To prevent a net-metering Facility from back-feeding a de-energized line, a Net-Metering Facility shall have a visibly open, lockable, manual disconnect switch which is located next to the electric utility meter (within 3 feet, with no obstructions) and clearly labeled.
  • No equipment can be attached to Ozarks Electric poles.
  • Line/Source/Supply side interconnections are not allowed, all interconnections must be on the load side of the electrical service.
  • A net-metering facility may include battery backup if it is configured to solely receive power from the net-metering facility and cannot feed power back to the utility.
  • The overcurrent device should be sized to protect the wire connected to it.
  • Where the capacity of the installed unit is equal to or exceeds 30 kW, corresponding overcurrent disconnects may be installed (maximum of 6).
  • Ozarks Electric is not responsible for failure or damage to interconnected equipment.

To expedite the net metering interconnection process, please submit the Preliminary Interconnection Application (PDF), one-line diagram, specifications from the manufacturer and the projected hourly first year solar generation (8760 report) for Ozarks Electric’s review prior to the installation. Please contact the Manager of Energy Services at 800-521-6144, for more information.

The member must complete and submit a copy of the standard interconnection agreement (see Downloads below) at least 30 days prior to the planned interconnection. Once the equipment is installed, the member must contact Ozarks Electric to schedule a site inspection visit for Ozarks electric personnel to approve the installation. The net metering equipment can be turned on by the installer for testing and commissioning, but must be turned back off and left out-of-service until the system is approved by Ozarks Electric during the site inspection. Ozarks Electric will verify that the net metering system has been installed to meet all local and national electric codes, Ozarks Electric installation requirements and that the net metering equipment disconnects from the electrical grid during a power outage and that the electric meter runs backward when the net metering equipment is feeding back to the cooperative. When field inspection passes all points of NMA requirements a signature and date will be applied to section 6 of the NMA as final approval by Ozarks Electric.

Does Ozarks Electric pay for excess generation?

Excess kWh credits carry forward from month-to-month and have no cash value until applied to a future billing cycle. Excess kWh credits older than 24 months may be cashed out at the estimated average avoided cost of electricity if the sum to be paid is at least $100.


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